Friday, September 25, 2009

15 Reasons You’re Still SINGLE ♪

There’s nothing wrong with being single, but at some point most people reach the point of wanting a relationship.
If you reached that point a while back, but still haven’t had any luck, you might want to check
this list to see if anything sounds familiar.

You’re Shallow

If within a few seconds of meeting a woman you have already calculated an estimate of her weight and located any problem areas

where cellulite might lurk on her body, you may hereby consider yourself shallow. No matter how hot she is,
you’re inevitably going to find her flaws. You will likely remain single until you get over yourself.

You’re Too Independent

Being a bachelor certainly has plenty of perks. You don’t have to wait that extra hour for her to get ready for an outing,
and you generally come and go as you please. The thing is, at some point you may actually no longer want to be all alone,
and you’re going to have to compromise. Give up a bit of your independence to avoid growing into a lonely old man.


You’re Afraid of Commitment

Tying into your fierce sense of independence is your equally strong fear of commitment. On top of losing your freedom,
you don’t want to get married, only to get divorced later and lose half of your stuff. The future is unpredictable,
and you can bet that once you settle down, you’ll meet a woman who is hotter, smarter and more
successful than the one you’re with. Oh, and she’s going to flirt with you, but too bad — you’re in a
committed relationship. Knowing this, you have every right to fear commitment,
but getting over that fear is what men do.

You’re a Slob

You need a shave and a haircut. Your dirty laundry is more like a mildew-laced pile of odorous rags, so you wear your t-shirt inside out.
There is leftover food on your desk from last week. What’s not to love? Look around, then look at yourself in the mirror.
Are you a slob? Chicks don’t really dig slobs.


You’re a Douchebag

Get your collar popped and layer on that spray-tan — let’s talk about why you’re still single. Could you be a douchebag?
Some women actually like douchebags, but these ladies are generally not the type you’d take home to meet mom.
If you want to meet a nice girl, you’re going to have to tone it down a notch… Or several.


You’re Addicted to Gaming

If by some divine intervention, you actually manage to acquire a girlfriend between day-long bouts of questing,
you’re probably in for a let-down since she won’t be around long. You need to cut back, drastically,
on your playing habits if you want to maintain a relationship. Just remember,
your guild isn’t going to keep you warm at night


You’re Desperate

Desperation reeks. It’s a fact. Men who are desperate repel women. If you are initially cool enough to get a woman’s phone number,
by no means should you ever call her more than twice without her returning your call. She may be busy when you call,
but if you call repeatedly, you are ensuring that she will never call you back, and even worse,
she’ll hope to never see you again


You’re the Nice Guy

You’re always helpful, polite, and kind — the type of guy every woman wants, right? Apparently not. Guys that are too nice
have a more difficult time moving out of the friend zone than guys who act like complete ****s. Some women even
perceive excessive niceness as a weakness of character. You shouldn’t go full douchebag, but don’t be afraid
to be a little hard, at times. It just lets her know you’re not a doormat.


You’re a Control Freak

It’s your way, or the highway. There’s no room for compromise in your life. You like things the way you like them, and as long as
everything goes according to your plan everything is cool. If you throw a temper tantrum the moment something
is out of your control, you may need to lighten up a little.

You’re Too Shy

There comes a time in your life when you have to either man up and deal with your insecurities or face the fact that you’re going to die alone.
If you don’t have any confidence when approaching women, enlist some friends to help you out. You may need to serve as a wingman
for a while, but pay attention to what the pilot is doing. Observe him and learn how the game is played.
And remember this: Alcohol is your friend.


You’re Selfish

Did you fail “Sharing” in kindergarten? If you only ever think of yourself, get used to it because you’re the only person you’ll have
to consider as you’ll be single for a while. If you can bring yourself to be a little less self-absorbed and a little more considerate,
you may have a shot at a relationship. Try putting others before yourself a little more often.


You’re Broke

If you’re broke all the time, how can you expect to maintain a relationship? You don’t have to buy a girl expensive gifts,
but she will like to go out from time to time. If you’re tired of being single,
you’ll have to work some dating funds into your budget.


Your Friends Are Assholes

It’s true, you’re judged by the company you keep. If you hang out with jerks, you’re likely a jerk too. Even if you’re not,
you can’t stop your friends from acting like assholes and ruining any relationship you might have. G
et some better friends.


You’re In Love With Yourself

You’re wonderful and perfect. You don’t need a relationship because everything you do, say and have is so
delightful there is really no void to fill. It must be great to be you.



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