If you really want to fulfill your dream then now you can have beter option of fulfilling the dream.
Just you have to do is log on to www.kickstarter.com
After login to this site you hav to upload your own project and inform everybody that how much amount of capital is required for any specific work or project.Emily Richmand collected 8,142 $ from 148 peoples as she wanted to go world tour by vogue.Singer and musician Brad Sicksawtimas collected 20,000 $ for his album and his album will come out soon.
As there is no gurantee that your dream project may come true but you can have beter option of fulfilling your dream(if you get help from the peoples of the world).Website commitee director Peri Shane quoted that about 60% of prople's dream have come true who have used this site.Till date about 50,000 $ bucks have been collected.It's free to login in this site but if your dream comes true than you have to do is pay your 5% amount money as grant.
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