Orkut reigns as the country’s no. 1 social network. Incidentally, Google’s social network is also the country’s most visited site.
The social network is a hotbed of various communities, you name a subject, topic or even a like or dislike and you are very likely to find a community on it on Orkut.
The social network is a hotbed of various communities, you name a subject, topic or even a like or dislike and you are very likely to find a community on it on Orkut.
From `I hate to wake up early’ to `procrastinator’s club’ to ‘The Art of Kissing’, it’s all there. But ever wondered which are the most popular among these communities? Google recently released a list of its Orkut’s top 10 communities. The company claimed that it looked at millions of communities and usage trends to finally arrive at the ten most popular communities. The trends are based on an anonymous and aggregated study of the behavior of Indian users.
StYlisH PeOpLe
Patriotism too scores high on Orkut, as the social network’s second most popular community shows. Orkut’s no 2 community is India with close to 9 lakh members. The community is a hotbed of discuss on issues like politics, festivals, society, historical places and so on. Created in 2004, the community also runs polls and forums on national issues.
Seems the high calorie content of Chocolates has not dented its fan following. The number of chocoholics still rules high. As the Orkut’s third most community, called Chocolate, shows. The community aims to provide just the perfect platform to talk and know about all those exotic mouth watering flavors of chocolates around the world. Orkut’s Chocolate community has over 55,000 members. The community runs discussions on topics like homemade chocolates, how to lose fat, yummy chocolates, history of chocolates and so.
MTV & still more MTV!
MTV may not have any show in the top 10 best watched TV shows. But the channel ranks high on Orkut. A community named on the channel ranks at No. 4 in popularity.
MTV is among the biggest hit especially among the youth in the entertainment category with over 31,000 members. The community runs updates on MTV shows. Formed in 2006, the community hosts MTV’s popular games like Roadies, Splitsvilla and MTV Battleground.
MTV is among the biggest hit especially among the youth in the entertainment category with over 31,000 members. The community runs updates on MTV shows. Formed in 2006, the community hosts MTV’s popular games like Roadies, Splitsvilla and MTV Battleground.
TCS 2009 Batch……….!!!!!
A community formed around India’s numero uno IT company TCS too ranks high on popularity. TCS 2009 Batch makes its way at no 5 in the Orkut’s top 10 communities list. With over 8,000 members, the community is flooded with polls and forums on issues like recession, pinkslips, joining dates and so. The community also discusses issues like career growth, training sessions, salary packages and company’s best departments.
Tom and Jerry – Cartoon
Orkut also has Tom and Jerry cartoon lovers in high numbers. The world’s one of the most adorable cartoon series, Tom and Jerry, ranks at No. 6 on Orkut list. With over 65,000 members, the community talks about the funny activities of both characters. The members have also posted some of there favorite episodes of Tom and Jerry series.
Boys VS Girls (Who Is d Best?)
The battle of sexes is here too. A community based on Mars Vs Venus ranks at No. 7. Called Boys VS Girls (Who Is d Best?), the community mirrors the eternal superiority battle between the two sexes. With over 26,000 members, the community runs discussions on love, marriage, friendship, relationships, family and hosts fun games and activities.
India Stock Market (BSE /NSE)
With bulls seem to be raging back into the market, the India Stock Market (BSE /NSE) community is climbing popularity charts.
The content in the community is for educational purpose. It is not by any expert. Author, Moderators and Owner is not responsible for any type of Damage or loss.
Tamil Cinema / தமிழ் சினிமா
You thought nothing beats Bollywood in terms of popularity? You got it wrong. Tamil cinema beats Bollywood hands on, at least on Orkut. The community on Tamil Cinema ranks at no. 9 with over 10,000 members. The community has a set of rules laid for all its members, this which includes, participating and encouraging meaningful discussions; not reacting to trolls, respect TC artists, fellow members and their views, don’t harass, abuse, impersonate, or intimidate others. The community has forum and polls running on topics like best comedian in TC, favourite mass film, the cutest actress among the newcomers and so.
I Hate to Wake Up Early !!
Seems the number of people disagreeing with the phrase: `Early to bed early to rise makes a men healthy wealthy and wise’ is high at least among Orkut members. As shows the social network’s 10th most popular community: I hate to wake up early. The community meant for all those who hate getting up early in the morning. "I hate to wake up early" community has as many as 70,000 members. Created in 2007, the community describes itself as the perfect destination for all those who despise waking up early in the morning.
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