Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Whether It Is Harmful To Hibernate Or Not ????

However, many people believe that shutting down is somehow better for a system than hibernating. Their argument seems to boil down to the idea that when the system is shut down, certain measures are taken to protect system settings that aren't extended to the system when you hibernate.And some people believe that hipernating is much dangerous.
Therefore I just tried to figure it out actually whoz right and whoz wrong!!!! 

I got that most of the people say that hipernating is not a big deal.Hibernating does not harm your computer, it basically just stores your current windows session in memeory, then accesses it and restores it when you decide you want to use the computer again.

Hibernation does tend to have problems however, if you have applications running or you are in the middle of something and hibernate, its more the computer has to save in order to make sure everything is there when you log back on. If you just make sure to close most applications to minimize the risk of error, everything should be fine.

And mine eyes got completely relaxed when I saw this "Don't turn off your XP, HIBERNATE it"[see]

And I also figured out some post saying that hibernating is dangerous but most of the post were in favour of hibernating.(from the forums).............
Therefore I would like to have comment on this. What do u say?????

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